Friday, April 30, 2010

Over 500 gems

Spent most of the day updating the website.  Go have a look.  Over 500 new images of the old lady!!!

I'm tired.  Coming soon, an explosive expose on the Washington School District.  It's is un-believable.   These people have lost all touch with reality, and have succumbed, like so many other districts, into submissive fools!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Checkpoint Chickie - And some really great Chickie Fried Steak!!

Someone recently told me I need to keep bloggin' if I want to keep people coming back to the site!!  Sure, I'd agree with that but when really nothing significant happens besides being getting screwed over by yet another service business!!  (I'm going to talk to the owner today...I"ll be calm, yet forceful)...This time it's regarding my green love machine.....Ya know, the motor-cicle!!

Found this on Ebay...Wow, it's really bad!!  Anyway, found out the place had installed an incorrect part, lied about it, had it for the entire length of my trip when I asked them to just verify with the manufacturer if the part they installed was correct.  Long story short, they lied, jacked me around, and have yet to even muster an apology.  I'm going to give them the opportunity to right this wrong.

Been extremely busy still editing the images, making calls, and more......Clanton's Cafe in Vinita, Oklahoma

home of the best Chicken Fried Steak on Route 66,

will soon be carrying Handcolored66 artcards.  If you are in Vinita, or, Oklahoma for the matter, don't miss Clanton's.  Great Food, Great Service, and it's cheap!!!  A mere $6.29 for this whopping lunch!!!  Now that's good eating folks!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Taking responsibility - and some cool photo's of Seligman.

Wow, occasionally I'm stumped for stuff.  Actually, I always have a bunch of stuff, but is it worthy of a blog???  Are you worthy???  Worthy is a strange word!!

Bad weather in the Midwest.  Allegedly a tornado touched down at West County Center, about 12 miles west of Downtown St. Louis.  Perhaps it messed up some shoppers afternoon at Nordstrom's.  Boo hoo!!  I hate malls.  I really don't like to shop.  I hate everything!!  I"m feeling quite sardonic.

Saturday I decided to take a drive, well, was forced to drive to get a belt for a lawn mower that Brentwood Lawn Care totally screwed up.  I'm so tired of "businesses" that refuse to take responsibility for its own mistakes!!  Of course I feel the same way about people.  This "business", and I am using that term extremely loosely, ..performed service on this mower, a commercial zero turn babe, late September.  It was used one time by my neighbor Bob, and he told me it was still running like shit.  Fast forward to last week.  I made a trip into Clayton, to visit my "city" house, gather mail, cut the lawn.  It was mighty high.  Mower started up fine, but soon discovered it was running like shit.  The mower has two blades, cuts a 44" wide swath, and usually works fine.  It's actually quite fun to operate.  Anywho, the grass was not cutting well at all.  I jumped off, and discovered these monkey's at the service place reversed the belts when they put the machine back together from the service work they performed, and charged a banana load!!!

Of course, the shop did not want to take responsibility, hiding behind the "30 day" warranty, even though they screwed it up.  It took over two days to even find the part number, (which they never did), I had to get it on my own.  I was asking for a replacement belt, which due to their screwup, was frayed and needed replacement.  The other monkey on the phone first said it couldn't be their fault, they didn't replace the belts.  Correct monkey, but you did have to detach them and put them back on for the service work.  That's when she told me about the "30 day" policy.  I asked who's policy....She answered the stores.  I asked who am I talking too.  It's your store, you can change the policy.  Didn't matter.  One would think this place would apologize, bend over backwards to make amends.   Very wishful thinking.  She told me they "couldn't" replace the belt for free, once again hiding behind the "30 day" bullshit excuse.  It always bothers me when anyone, businesses or people use the contraction "can't".  I don't mind contractions, but it is not correct in 99% of the cases.  It told her, don't say "can't", because you COULD replace the belt.  Say we will not replace it, because we are monkeys and have no freaking clue on how to treat customers.  No apologies, no regret, just shear uselessness!!  Amen to Brentwood Lawn Care.

Ok, how about some snappy photography.  Hey, isn't that what this blog is about?  Hawking my wares!!
I did spend time on Saturday, getting some images ready for potential clients.  Seligman is featured today!!

The perfect woman.....Leather, Short Skirt, Skull Cap, and no back talk!!  That's the kind of hippie chick I dig!!

A few images from the Rusty Bolt.  Just another of the really cool shops in Seligman.

That's all folks.  Heading to Cuba to deliver some of my wares to the Fanning 66 Outpost, (home of the Worlds' Largest Rocker, and soon home (Cuba that is)  of the World's Largest All Route 66 Art Gallery!!

Yea BABY!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ghost Images - Seeking an explanation

Well well well.  It is Friday morning in Washington Misery.  I have finally finished importing, and sorting the new images from my excursion.  Now all I need to do is edit the 5000+ I have!!  No problemo!!

Last Thursday I was in Afton, OK to visit with my mate Laurel, show her some of the new images I had, and just say hello.  I had never before photographed the Palmer Hotel that is directly across the street from the Afton Station.  So I decided too!!  It still has some flavor, character, etc.  Something strange occured.  Check these out!!

Did I screw up??  Nah, highly unlikely as I'm a professional!!  Of course I didn't....Or did I??  The nice thing about digital imagery is the "footprint" or data that is stored with each image.  Depending on the camera, software etc......not only is the image created when you "snap", but loads of other information.  The following explanation of EXIF data is as follows:

Exif was created by the Japan Electronic Industries Development Association (JEIDA). Version 2.1 of the specification is dated June 12, 1998, and the latest, version 2.2 dated April 2002, is also known as Exif Print. Though the specification is not currently maintained by any industry or standards organisation, its use by camera manufacturers is nearly universal.
The metadata tags defined in the Exif standard cover a broad spectrum:
  • Date and time information. Digital cameras will record the current date and time and save this in the metadata.
  • Camera settings. This includes static information such as the camera model and make, and information that varies with each image such as orientation (rotation), aperture, shutter speed, focal length, metering mode, and ISO speed information.
  • A thumbnail for previewing the picture on the camera's LCD screen, in file managers, or in photo manipulation software.
  • Descriptions and copyright information.

Anyway, the settings that were recorded from the shots I had created were about right.  Perhaps not perfect, but they should have obtained a relatively proper image.  What gives????  It was 1/30 of a second, AV 7.1, ISO 400.  The shots were taken in mostly open shade.  Very spooky!!   Very odd.  Rumor has it that perhaps this building is haunted.  A couple days later and the roof collapsed.

Ok, how about a few pictures that were not trashed by Casper and his friends.....The following are the two images taken immediately before and after the sequence of Spooky Manor...(Palmer Hotel).

So, I really wondered what happened!!  Wild wacky schtuff!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And now the real observations begin!! Protected Left Turns SUCK

Hmm, this blog has become almost a daily occurrence.  But I really can't change the name now......Anyway, what am I going to change it to??  Telemarketing my Wares???  Hassling by Phone??  I get the picture, I hope you do as well.  Speaking of pictures, late last night I finished transferring all the images from my Netbook to the PC.  Probably doesn't seem like a big deal until you realize how freaking difficult Microsoft made it to hook up two computers together.  Couldn't be a simple thing, could it Microsoft??   So, I painstakingly had to copy the pics from the netbook to a flash drive, (4gb), then copy those to the PC.   So, how about I shut the Q$%^ up and display some images!!  It shall be Tucumcari today and tonight!!

Time to go and enjoy the wonders of the MODOT traffic engineers....Protected Left Turns SUCK!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

And now the "real" work begins....

6825.  Big number.  That is a pretty accurate estimate of the number of images I photographed while on the road.  Of course, I will take several shots of the same subject.  Usually two, and depending on the subject, a couple different angles.  Needless to say, I have a lot of images to edit.  So, why don't I include I few gems!!  Well, maybe not gems......These pics were from day 1.  As I'm going to be leaving on May 23rd, about 34 days from now, and I have 25 days of images, I'll probably post a few pics everyday until I depart.  Of course, these images, and many many more, can be seen on my website - .

A new venture in Lebanon!!!

I think this was the former home to a casket/headstone business??

A couple pics from Gary Turner's place.

That is all for today.  Maybe.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

A quick trip to Cuba

Yesterday was a blur, but I finally got back to ride!!  Picked up my motor-cicle,

 (Yes, it is that green!!)

and took a little ride to Cuba.  That's Cuba,  Missouri.  Why is it named Cuba??  The town was named after the Island Country in 1857 to show solidarity with the occupied territory.  Things haven't changed much!!  (With the Country that is)....Cuba, Missouri is known as the "Mural City" along Route 66.

Just one of the many wonderful murals in Cuba.  It is a great stop, and soon will be even better!!

On my return trip home, I stopped at the "World's Largest Rocker".  I had done a photograph of the Rocker in late winter, and was in production of making some Art Cards for Danny and Carolyn, (the proprietors) of the Fanning66outpost.  I'm glad I stopped!!

In a few hours, I'll be heading into the city of St. Louis.....You know the expression, when you bump into someone or have one of those, "I know that" person moments??  And people say, "Boy, it's a small world".  When that would happen to me in St. Louis, I'd reply, "Not a small world....St. Louis is a small town!!".  Hailing from Chicago, (Go Cubs), I can say that with complete accuracy!!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

5623 Miles - 128 Hours of Driving - And I"m ready to do it again!!

Surprisingly, I'm a little tired.  Made it back to Washington, MO about 8:00 PM.  Only took a few photos today, but they were special.......Spring has Sprung in the Midwest, and Route 66 was looking mighty pretty in Missouri....At least John's Modern Cabin's were looking might pretty!!

Wow....And one final picture of the Cruiser.....Looks like a good place for it!!

I have a feeling it's going to be there plenty.

So, is this the end of the blog??  Oh no, it is just the beginning of my new life on the road.  Next departure??  May 23rd.  Stay tuned for more details.

Urban Camping in Tulsa - Would you like to try an extra value meal tonight??

Yesterday I hit the 5000 mile mark!!!  It has been quite a journey. 

I departed Amarillo around 11:00am, leaving Croc and Cheryl with a Texas Size Goodbye!!  Some mighty fine people!!  As George Strait sang, "Thanks for Everything".

Made it to Oklahoma in an hour or so, spent some very quality time on the phone with the fine folks at Sprint....I've been a Sprint PCS customer for over 10 years.....I've always said, "Sprint is great...until you have to deal with its customer service"....UGHHHHHHHHH......

Wanting to make Tulsa at a reasonable hour...I made very few stops, created very few images, and only talked to a few......Stopped in Clinton at the way cool Oklahoma Route 66 Museum to deliver a portrait of Angel  Delgadillo.  Unfortunatley, I missed Pat.  But I"ll be back another time!!  Only other significant stop was in Stroud at the famed Rock Cafe.  Met Dawn after missing her in the past.  She understands the show, and "probably" will soon be a retailer of handcolored66 Art Cards..

Made it to Tulsa at Precisely 7:46pm, one minute ahead of schedule, and soon Laurel K and I were enjoying some fine Agavero Tequila.  It is the only 100% de Agave Tequila Licor!!    "El Original Licor De Tequila".  mmm, mmm, great!!

Enjoy the pics, have a great day, and talk to you later!!

5:41AM.....My "urban" campground.

A few shots from Chandler.

That's all folks!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More Amarillo, A Few More Signs, And A Beautiful Sunset

Yesterday was a work day.....Heading to Oklahoma....Maybe Tulsa tonight!!  Here are some pics from the day....

Got this shot of Croc hard at work this morning....

Off to Oklahoma!!!  More later.....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Amarillo by morning, afternoon, & evening!!

The last line of my last blog was "if all goes well" I'll make it to Amarillo by Evening.  I did.  But I"m jumping ahead!!!

Sunday was a very beautiful day.  For a short while, I was really wishing I was home, on the couch, watching the Masters.  Actually it was never a wish to be home, but watching golf.  Actually I never even really missed the golf!!  Way too many cool things to see........I left the "Q", and here are a few othe the sights I captured.  This was the first time I've ever been through these towns, as both of  my previous trips I had taken the Santa Fe alignment.  Enjoy the show......These pics will take you East to Tucumcari........

Those pictures were from Sunday.  Arrived in Amarillo about 8:00PM and met up with Croc and Dale, the Aussie at the BIG TEXAN STEAK RANCH!!  You've heard of the place, where you can earn a "FREE" 72oz steak......if you eat it in an hour....not just the meat, but a big ass potato, shrimp, salad and a roll with butter!!

Got a little Cotton Eyed Joe....

Yesterday was a day chocked full of Amarillo.  Made a few calls, placed a bunch of cards at the Route 66 Store on 6th Street, (a really cool area of Am) and then headed South to the fabulous Palo Duro Canyon....But before the Canyon, made a stop to see the World's Largest Gay Cowboy!!

He really needs some chaps!!

The Palo Duro Canyon, (means hard wood....heheheheh) is located about 20 miles SouthEast of Armarillo. It is really special!!

Hope you enjoyed the show!!!