Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Off 66 to Cuba, Charma, and Colorado....

Not much time for chit chat, headed west to Amarillo, with stops planned in Santa Rosa, Tucumcari, perhaps Adrian.......Detoured yesterday to see some new sights and make some new groovy images.  Mission accomplished!!


  1. catching up on your blog today; thought I'd say hi. Looks like you are finding some awesome images.

    I see some photos where there is lots of contrast, i.e. bright sun and shade. These are candidates for HDR. Don't remember what that stands for, but it means you combine multiple exposures in software and it produces this awesome looking photo with detail in the shadows, highlights and everything in between. Would work best with RAW; shoot a normal exposure and at least a -1 and +1 exposure.....maybe a -2 and +2 also. Let me know if you would want some help doing it.

    Take care,

  2. Are you ever going to continue this blog, or can I stop checking it every day?? :-)

