I departed Amarillo around 11:00am, leaving Croc and Cheryl with a Texas Size Goodbye!! Some mighty fine people!! As George Strait sang, "Thanks for Everything".
Made it to Oklahoma in an hour or so, spent some very quality time on the phone with the fine folks at Sprint....I've been a Sprint PCS customer for over 10 years.....I've always said, "Sprint is great...until you have to deal with its customer service"....UGHHHHHHHHH......
Wanting to make Tulsa at a reasonable hour...I made very few stops, created very few images, and only talked to a few......Stopped in Clinton at the way cool Oklahoma Route 66 Museum to deliver a portrait of Angel Delgadillo. Unfortunatley, I missed Pat. But I"ll be back another time!! Only other significant stop was in Stroud at the famed Rock Cafe. Met Dawn after missing her in the past. She understands the show, and "probably" will soon be a retailer of handcolored66 Art Cards..
Made it to Tulsa at Precisely 7:46pm, one minute ahead of schedule, and soon Laurel K and I were enjoying some fine Agavero Tequila. It is the only 100% de Agave Tequila Licor!! "El Original Licor De Tequila". mmm, mmm, great!!
Enjoy the pics, have a great day, and talk to you later!!
5:41AM.....My "urban" campground.
A few shots from Chandler.
That's all folks!!
Just wanted to repair my reputation, which must be that of the world's worst hostess after reading this post. Yes, Gordo DID sleep in my back yard, however I DID cordially invite him to use my guest room. Sleeping out in the dew was HIS idea! Ha ha!